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Sheer madness.- 23/01/2012.

Théâtre Le Triangle.- Huningue.- France.
Guy Greder Les Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace.

With the company Los Excentricos and their show \"Rococo Bananas,\" the Triangle, theatre of Huningue took a turn of boiling hot laughs ...The clown show is a delicate exercise. Between the mess and then the exaggerated performance art that conveys a story, funny or not, there is a fine line. And at this game, the Los Excentricos clown company excels.
Electric base mop and violin-trumpet.Always on the edge, their show is drawn to the millimetre. To watch Marceline, Sylvestre and Zaza, the trio that composes Los Excentricos is a pure pleasure. We already knew of the white clown, the august with a red nose and clown-tramp. Saturday night we discovered the sneering clown. Like a leitmotiv, Zaza’ the gently mocking laugh accompanies the show from beginning to end. Sylvestre, the master of ceremonies, almost lost head. Marceline, meanwhile, is a typical diva Castafiore. Looking through Los Excentricos’biography, we discover that more than thirty years, the three heroes have travelled much of the world well before their path crossed in the 80s. From the ancestral tradition of clowns, they kept the spectacular juggling, the play with rocambolesques situations and musical instruments. Special mention for the electric base mop and the violin- trumpet ... Pierre Dubois, alias Ti-Pit clown, once said \"clowning around and being a clown are two very different things, which makes all the difference between the fool in the wrong place at the wrong time and to keep the world in his hands and embody the poetry of life to laugh \"... The trio of clowns Los Excentricos obviously plays into the second category!
Guy Greder Les Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace.

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Fotos: Sonia Balcells, Gabriel Tizón, Silvia Mazzotta, Marcantonio