CIRCUS and TALENT with capital letters!10/05/2015
Hello Maestros! I am contacting you because I could not do otherwise after your masterful performance Trapezi Festival of Reus. I wanted to tell you that watching your show, which is still alive in my memory, was a truly wonderful experience...
And I mean it. I am neither artist nor expert in performances, but if I can say that you represent the essence of this art. You transport me to a new place, delicate and surprising. A place where I lived again my childhood and at the same time, rediscovered my present. I was and still am, very moved.
Funny, punchy, subtle and intelligent. CIRCUS and TALENT with capital letters!
I like a lot of shows where I am less surprised, but discovering you was a joy to my senses. I hope to enjoy very soon again your eccentricities. I just wanted to let you know . A loving hug
Cristina Rodriguez-Theater La Palma, Festival Trapezi, Reus-Catalonia.